About Us
Who are we?
Lamiriam schools, is a girls’ boarding school secondary school and a combination of pre-registered primary and secondary schools providing primary and secondary education in the country. These schools receive students and provide designed and coordinated spiritual, mental, physical and social services for the development of the nation.
Where are we?
Lamiriam schools are located in Tungi, Morogoro. 6 km from Morogoro town near nanenane stadiums located on the road to dar es salaam.
We teach subjects in the curriculum of the ministry of education and vocational training and adhere to the guidelines of the National Examinations Council (NECTA) we have had good performance in national examinations refer to the website of the examination board necta center No. S4709 and we teach a computer lesson.
The school also provides additional services to its students as
- Sports services; football, handball, athletics, and indoor sports
- We have discussion groups in schools on various issues to give students the ability to analyze and build a variety of arguments in the challenges of education and Life.
NB: All those who want to join our school must pass their competency tests and be satisfied that they will meet our standards which is 60%.